Purpose: We have emails coming in from automated systems and we don't want emails going out. While we are using this on the Create - AutoReply scrip it can used on any other scrip where you want to create an exception list.
Author: macnlos AT gmail DOT com - I'm on the RT Users List
Description: Autoreply on Create with Exceptions
Condition: User Defined
Action: Autoreply to Requestors
Template: Global template: Autoreply
State: TransactionCreate
Custom Condition:
my @exceptionList = ('joe@goblow.com',
my $transactionType = $self->TransactionObj->Type;
my $ticketRequestor = lc($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses);
if ($transactionType eq 'Create') {
return if grep { $ticketRequestor eq lc($_) } @exceptionList;
return 1;
Code Explanation:
We want to test if the transaction type is "Create" and the email address of the requestor is not in the exception list. The variable @exceptionList
is where you can add the email addresses you want to exclude.
The first IF statement tests to see if this is a "Create" action and if it is it then proceeds. Otherwise it skips everything and just returns which is the equivalent of saying false.
The grep processes the @exceptionList
array and compares it to the requestor email address of the ticket. If it finds a match then it simply returns. If it goes through the entire array without a match then you want to send an email so it returns a true value.
The "lc" functions in the script makes sure that everything is switched to lower-case to prevent "YOU@there" eq "you@THERE"
from returning false.