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I use this script to populate a "select one from many" custom field from a text file generated from a database query.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib); use Getopt::Long; use RT; RT::LoadConfig(); RT::Init(); my %args; GetOptions(\%args, 'field=s', 'update','replace' ,'help', 'verbose'); if ($args{'help'} || !($args{'update'}||$args{'replace'}) ){ help(); exit; } my @lines = <STDIN>; map {chomp} @lines; my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser); $cf->Load( $args{'field'} ); unless ( $cf->id ) { die "Couldn't find that custom field\n"; } if ( $args{'replace'} ) { my $values = $cf->Values; my %map; while ( my $value = $values->Next ) { unless (grep {$value->Name} @lines) { print STDERR "Deleting " . $value->Name . "\n" if ($args{'verbose'}); $value->Delete(); } } } if ( $args{'update'} || $args{'replace'} ) { my $values = $cf->Values; my @current; while ( my $value = $values->Next ) { push @current, $value->Name; } foreach my $entry (@lines) { unless ( grep { $entry eq $_ } @current ) { print STDERR "Adding " . $entry . "\n" if ($args{'verbose'}); my ( $ret, $val ) = $cf->AddValue( Name => $entry ); } } } print STDERR "Done\n" if ($args{'verbose'}); sub help { print <<EOF $0 is a simple RT tool to add values to a custom field. It takes several arguments: --field The id or name of the custom field you'd like to work with --update Add values to this field, but do not prune unused files --replace Make the custom field contain only the values listed --verbose Show progress messages This script expects a list of potential custom field values, one per line to be fed to STDIN. Example: $0 --field "My CF Name" --update < list_of_values EOF }
The replace switch seems to update on version 3.8.7. (SJN)