This is very out of date and based on old versions of RT. For modern equivalents, see RT::Authen::ExternalAuth and the LDAPImport extension.
This code is part of the LDAP integration overlay; you'll also need LdapUserLocalOverlay and, optionally, LdapAutocreateAuthCallback.
2007/09/28 - Edward Kovarski; It has been adjusted for a Windows 2003 Active Directory Environment
- 2007/10/31 - Mario Leal; Using this code I was unable to authenticate until I changed:
Set($LdapFilter, '(objectclass=posixAccount)'); To: Set($LdapFilter, '(objectclass=*)');
Be sure to set the following variables for your environment,
LdapServer LdapBase LdapUser LdapPass
Put these in your site configuration file, [=${RTHOME}/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm]
### What auth methods do you like and in what order? Set($AuthMethods, ['LDAP', 'Internal']); ### LDAP Settings # # There are two different branches of this: LdapAuth* and LdapInfo*; # additionally, most of the old Ldap* variables are honored, too. # # This means if you only have one LDAP server/config you can just set # "LdapServer", "LdapUser", etc. and they will be used for both # authentication and information ### Enable/Disable LDAP services Set($LdapExternalAuth, 1); Set($LdapExternalInfo, 1); ### Common Settings: affecting both auth and info services # Should we create accounts for users who aren't in LDAP? Set($LdapAutoCreateNonLdapUsers, 1); # Should we assign the privileged rights to the user? Set($AutoCreate, {Privileged => 1}); # Map RT attributes to LDAP attributes # # The mapping below is known to work in Windows 2003 w/Active Directory # #### #### NOTE #### #### You have the following options for the user id with Active Directory, #### #### 'mail' #### Users email address, user@mydomain.com #### #### 'userPrincipalName' #### New user logon name stored in the following format, user@ad_domain.com #### #### 'sAMAccountName' (Default for this config) #### Also known as the pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name
Set( $LdapAttrMap, {
'Name' => 'sAMAccountName', 'EmailAddress' => 'mail', 'Organization' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'RealName' => 'cn', 'ExternalContactInfoId' => 'dn', 'ExternalAuthId' => 'sAMAccountName', 'Gecos' => 'sAMAccountName', 'HomePhone' => 'homePhone', 'WorkPhone' => 'telephoneNumber', 'MobilePhone' => 'mobile', 'PagerPhone' => 'pager', 'Address1' => 'streetAddress', 'Address2' => 'postOfficeBox', 'City' => 'l', 'State' => 'st', 'Zip' => 'postalCode', 'Country' => 'co', 'FreeformContactInfo' => 'info', }
# A list of RT attrs which can uniquely identify a user, # ordered from most to least preferred. Set($LdapRTAttrMatchList, ['ExternalContactInfoId', 'Name', 'EmailAddress', 'RealName', 'WorkPhone', 'Address2'] ); # A list of LDAP attrs to examine when canonicalizing email addresses, # ordered from most to least preferred Set($LdapEmailAttrMatchList, ['mail', 'mailRoutingAddress', 'mailAlternateAddress'] ); # A list of prefixes to apply to email address matches. # Windows 2003 AD uses prefixes or smtp: or SMTP:. # If not required just leave '' Set($LdapEmailAttrMatchPrefix, ['', 'smtp:', 'SMTP:'] ); # The basics; if set, these override $RT::LdapAuth* and $RT::LdapInfo* Set($LdapServer, 'ldap.example.com'); Set($LdapBase, 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'); Set($LdapFilter, '(objectclass=posixAccount)'); # Windows 2003 Active Directory does not allow anonymous LDAP binding # thus you must pass Net::LDAP a username and password that has # access to read the directory. # # You may also need to specify the full distinguished name instead of # just a username for LdapUser below. # e.g. cn=Username,cn=Users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com # Set($LdapUser, 'ldapuser@ad.domain.com'); Set($LdapPass, 'password'); # This filter is used by RT::User::UpdateFromLdap to test whether an # LDAP user's RT account should be disabled. Any user whose LDAP record # passes this filter (returns true) will be disabled at login Set($LdapDisableFilter, '(employmentStatus=Terminated)'); # If you set these, only members of this group can auth via LDAP #Set($LdapGroup, 'cn=RT,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'); #Set($LdapGroupAttr, 'uniqueMember'); # These turn on SSL for LDAP #Set($LdapTLS, 0); #Set($LdapSSLVersion, 3); ### IF YOU USE THE SAME LDAP SERVER FOR AUTH AND INFO STOP HERE ### ### Authentication settings # # These are used only if their $RT::Ldap* analogs are not set; # if you want one of these variables to be honored, you must comment # out the corresponding $RT::Ldap* variable above #Set($LdapAuthServer, 'ldap.example.com'); #Set($LdapAuthBase, 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'); #Set($LdapAuthFilter, "(objectclass=posixAccount)"); #Set($LdapAuthUser, ''); #Set($LdapAuthPass, ''); # This filter is used by RT::User::UpdateFromLdap to test whether an # LDAP user's RT account should be disabled. Any user whose LDAP record # passes this filter (returns true) will be disabled at login # Set($LdapAuthDisableFilter, '(employmentStatus=Terminated)'); # If you set these, only members of this group can auth via LDAP #Set($LdapAuthGroup, 'cn=RT,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'); #Set($LdapAuthGroupAttr, 'uniqueMember'); # These turn on SSL for LDAP #Set($LdapAuthTLS, 0); #Set($LdapAuthSSLVersion, 3); ### Information settings # # These are used only if their $RT::Ldap* analogs are not set; # if you want one of these variables to be honored, you must comment # out the corresponding $RT::Ldap* variable above #Set($LdapInfoServer, 'ldap.example.com'); #Set($LdapInfoBase, 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'); #Set($LdapInfoFilter, "(objectclass=posixAccount)"); #Set($LdapInfoUser, ''); #Set($LdapInfoPass, ''); # This filter is used by RT::User::UpdateFromLdap to test whether an # LDAP user's RT account should be disabled. Any user whose LDAP record # passes this filter (returns true) will be disabled at login # Set($LdapInfoDisableFilter, '(employmentStatus=Terminated)'); # These turn on SSL for LDAP #Set($LdapInfoTLS, 0); #Set($LdapInfoSSLVersion, 3);